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Prelude for Symphony Orchestra

Konsertöppnare för orkester.

Staern, Benjamin

Jubilate - Partitur (A3)

553 kr

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Jubilate - Studiepartitur (A4)

207 kr

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Jubilate - Hyresmaterial


Work note by the composer:

"The word Jubilate has its standing point in the phenomenon of spectators cheering with an inner power of joy and the experience to be part of the powerful jubilation. Its counterpart; to boo out and causing a riot like crazy hooligans that are sabotizing the festivities in which can end into total destruction. These roles are present in today's society on big events, mainly in sports and culture. Musically it is translated into two antithesis: tonal versus atonal, loud versus soft, organic to mechanic and so on. These developments break and dissolve during the course of the work that are uniting towards the end."

Benjamin Staern

Sound sample:
Gothenburg Symphony Orchestra, cond. Stefan Solyom