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Emperor Akbar

for String Orchestra

Albert Schnelzers andra stråkkvartett – <i>Emperor Akbar</i> – i version för stråkorkester.

Schnelzer, Albert

Emperor Akbar - Partitur (B4)

427 kr

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Emperor Akbar - Hyresmaterial


Detta verk är baserat på String Quartet No. 2 – Emperor Akbar – skriven för, och uruppförd av The Brodsky Quartet, samt beställd av Nordland Musikfestuke.

Work note:
""Your time has come', the emperor assented. "So tell us truthfully before you go, what sort of paradise do you expect to discover when you have passed through the veil?" The Rana raised his mutilated face and looked the emperor in the eye. "In Paradise, the word worship and argument mean the same thing", he declared. "The Almighty is not a tyrant. In the House of God all voices are free to speak as they choose, and that is the form of their devotion." He was an irritating, holier-than-thou type of youth, that was beyond question, but in spite of his annoyance, Akbar was moved. "We promise you", the emperor said, "that we will build that house of adoration here on earth." Then with a cry – Allahu Akbar, God is great, or, just possibly, Akbar is God – he chopped off the pompous little twerp's cheeky, didactic, and therefore suddenly unnecessary head."

ur The Enchantress of Florence av Salman Rushdie

Tromsø Chamber Orchestra, cond. Kolbjørn Holte