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Damström, Cecilia

Nixus - Partitur (A3)

635 kr

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Nixus - Studiepartitur (A4)

229 kr

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Nixus - Hyresmaterial


Recorded by the Karelia Philharmonic Orchestra
Cecilia Damström: Nixus for full orchestra
Conducted by Anatoly Rybalko
Studio director Pavel Timofeev
Sound engineer Artem Yakovlev

All rights reserved, for promotional use only.

There is also a version for chamber orchestra GE 13967.

Commissioned by Big Music for Small Cities
Dedicated to Anyone who suffers from mental illness in any form
Cecilia Damströms writes:
"The Latin word “nixus” can translate as effort, pressure or strain. Nixus is dedicated to anyone who suffers from mental illness in any form. In this work, I try to illustrate how thoughts jump back and forth at a rapid pace, and often form a kind of hamster wheel, a vicious circle from which it is difficult to break out. I try to describe how the thoughts often lead to very gloomy moods and anxiety, which can even become physical manifestations in the body, like palpitations and pressure in the chest."