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Organ and Keyboard Works 1,1
Recercari, et Canzoni franzese (Rom, Zannetti, 1615, ²1618)
Recercari, et Canzoni franzese (Rom, Zannetti, 1615, ²1618)
Frescobaldi, Girolamo
657 kr
BA 8411
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Förlag: Bärenreiter
Girolamo Frescobaldi’s music profoundly influenced such composers as Froberger, Buxtehude, J. S. Bach and Muffat. This is a new Urtext edition in four volumes which provides professional musicians, musicologists as well as interested amateurs with a musical text which incorporates the latest musicological research giving a comprehensive account of all currently known sources and their genesis. This edition was prepared by Kenneth Gilbert and Christopher Stembridge , perhaps the leading authorities in the field.
Each volume in the New Frescobaldi Edition opens with an introduction to the genesis, sources, performance practice, and editorial methodology and ends with a critical report.
- Scholarly-critical edition in four volumes - Forefront of musicological research - Detailed preface (German/English), critical report (German/English), and catalogue of sourcesGirolamo Frescobaldi’s music profoundly influenced such composers as Froberger, Buxtehude, J. S. Bach and Muffat. This is a new Urtext edition in four volumes which provides professional musicians, musicologists as well as interested amateurs with a musical text which incorporates the latest musicological research giving a comprehensive account of all currently known sources and their genesis. This edition was prepared by Kenneth Gilbert and Christopher Stembridge , perhaps the leading authorities in the field.
Each volume in the New Frescobaldi Edition opens with an introduction to the genesis, sources, performance practice, and editorial methodology and ends with a critical report.
- Scholarly-critical edition in four volumes - Forefront of musicological research - Detailed preface (German/English), critical report (German/English), and catalogue of sources
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