Ave Maria
Ave Maria
For choir SATB. Sound and interpretation should be "like Nordic light" according to the composer, who is a member of Vocado, Choir of the Year 2011.
Leanderson-Andréas, Anton
26 kr
Så gick det till
Så gick det till
Balslev, Povl Christian
children's choir + piano
131 kr
Ave Maria
Arrangement for SAB and piano. This is a new and revised version of an edition that was previously published on Sweden's Körförbund.
Schubert, Franz
SAB + piano
32 kr
Ave maris stella
For choir SATB div. Latin text. Quiet homophonic sections are replaced by livelier imitative and polyphonic parts of the work.
Sixten, Fredrik
SATB div a cappella
37 kr
Ave Maria
For SAB and piano. Latin text.
Sixten, Fredrik
SAB + piano
37 kr
Marias lovsång
Song for unison choir, flute and organ.
Bitch, Eilert
unison + organ, flute
26 kr
For 2-part treble choir and piano.
Riedel, Georg
SA + piano
21 kr
Ave Maria
For choir SATB div. The lyrics have been transferred from the Cyrillic alphabet to Latin letters in the sheet music.
Rachmaninoff, Sergei
SATB div
37 kr
For 2-part treble choir and piano or organ. Text from Luke. 1:30-32.
Feldhusen, Sylke
SA + piano/organ
26 kr
And the Glory of the Lord
For choir SAB and piano. Swedish and English text.
Handel, Georg Friedrich
SAB + piano
48 kr
Wood, Charles
32 kr
Marias lovsång
A very singable Magnificat in Swedish for choir SAB and piano.
Dobrogosz, Steve
SAB + piano
54 kr
For unison or mixed choir, organ or piano with instrumental parts ad lib.
Rizza, Margaret
SATB, unison + organ/piano, instr ad lib
26 kr
Sjung till vår Gud
Spanish Christmas carol in arrangement for melody part and treble part with organ accompaniment.
unison, S + organ
43 kr
mild och ren
For mixed choir a cappella. With piano reduction for practice.
Sweelinck, Dirck Janszoon
37 kr
Ave verum corpus
Pearsall, Robert Lucas
26 kr
o kom
SATB + organ/piano
32 kr
Maria gick så glad
Leijon, Jerker
unison, (SATB) + piano
26 kr
jungfrun skall föda en son
For various choirs, congregational singing and organ (or piano and double bass ad lib), as well as percussion ad lib.
Hovland, Egil
SA/SAB/SATB, congregation + organ/piano, double bass ad lib, percussion ad lib
48 kr
Ave maris stella
For choir SATB. Latin text
Atterberg, Kurt
43 kr
Virgin Mary Annunciation Day, 4 Sun. in Advent.
Walmisley, Thomas Attwood
SATB div + organ
37 kr
Min själ lovprisar Herren
For SSA, flute and piano. Text from Luke 1:45-49. Text preparation: Kjell Bengtsson.
Nelson, D.
SSA + flute, piano
32 kr
Ave maris stella
For choir SATB div. Latin and Swedish text, with piano part for rehearsal.
Grieg, Edward
SATB div
43 kr