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The organ

Richly illustrated teaching material and handbook.

Shoes, Åke

383 kr

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The organ has been a fascinating instrument for centuries. Its size, sound and aesthetics have enchanted man. But how does this majestic instrument work? What parts does it consist of - which controls, keys and pedals do what, and how? The organ is a comprehensive educational book about the structure, function and care of the organ. Åke Skommar guides the reader through the universe of the organ step by step in this richly illustrated edition. The book is intended to be used as teaching material in organ knowledge, but is also every congregation's and organist's best friend on the stand. Åke Skommar (b. 1956) is educated at the Academy of Music in Stockholm. He is a teacher and examiner at the church musician training at Geijerskolan in Ransäter. He also teaches at the Ingesund College of Music and is the organist at the Trinity Church in Arvika.