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Dare to sing
Widfeldt, Torbjörn
SAB + piano
152 kr
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The Bearer - songs of wisdom, presence and light
Eleven songs about life's eternal questions inspired by the Saviour's wreath with lyrics by Åsa Hagberg. For young riders of all ages. For choir SAAB and piano.
Eriksson, Nadja
SAAB + piano
169 kr
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The secret of my kingdom
For SA, flute ad lib and piano.
Sleeth, Natalie
SA + piano, flute
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Around the savior's wreath
Two services with music for choir and congregation by John L. Bell.
Bell, John L
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Psalms in the 21st century - Lent, Easter, Pentecost
Ten psalms from Psalms in the 21st century in choral setting (SATB, SAB) for Lent, Easter and Pentecost.
99 kr
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Psalms in the 21st century - Trinity era
Ten psalms from Psalms in the 21st century in choral setting (SATB, SAB) for the trinity.
99 kr
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Here, close
For SAB, piano and oboe.
Mattsson, Jan
SAB + piano, oboe
29 kr
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My soul yearns and yearns
Set to music of Psalm 84 in the 1917 translation. For solo, drive SATB and organ.
Wennerberg, Gunnar
SATB, solo + organ
26 kr
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As the deer thirsts
For mixed choir a cappella.
Back, Sven-Erik
20 kr
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You were born for freedom
For treble choir and piano.
Forssén, Stefan
SSA + piano
48 kr
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It is good to be still
Songs and psalter hymns for choir and instruments.
Hovland, Egil
mixed choir + org, trp, tb
244 kr
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Close to you
Edwardsson, Noah
32 kr
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Go, go, beloved child of God
Schoenfeld, William M
SA + flute, piano
54 kr
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Nothing to get in the way
Eriksson, Nadja
SATB + piano
32 kr
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The water song
Happy song about water for SA and piano.
Bengmark, Karin
SA + piano
26 kr
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Light of the world
For children's choir and piano.
Almkvisth, Alwar
SA + piano
26 kr
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As the deer longs for streams of water
Five songs for women's choir and organ.
Lindberg, Olle
SSA + organ
65 kr
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Light my way
Sandstrom, Linda
SAB piano + piano
59 kr
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Friend of my heart
Aston, Peter
SA + organ/piano
32 kr
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Deep River
Exciting arrangements that are challenging both for the choir and the pianist.
Weaver, Geoff
SSA + piano
37 kr
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The source of health
Sixten, Fredrik
SAB + piano, flute
37 kr