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Klasson, Börje
44 kr
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The heavens declare the glory of God
For mixed choir and piano. Text from Psalm 19:2-7.
Riedel, Georg
SATB + piano
54 kr
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Mother Mary
Musical for treble choir, soloists, piano, organ, percussion and speaking roles.
Hovland, Egil
SSA, soprano solo, alto/baritone solo + piano, organ, percussion, speaking roles
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Psalms in the 21st century - Trinity era
Ten psalms from Psalms in the 21st century in choral setting (SATB, SAB) for the trinity.
99 kr
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My soul yearns and yearns
Set to music of Psalm 84 in the 1917 translation. For solo, drive SATB and organ.
Wennerberg, Gunnar
SATB, solo + organ
26 kr
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Here, close
For SAB, piano and oboe.
Mattsson, Jan
SAB + piano, oboe
29 kr
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As the deer thirsts
For mixed choir a cappella.
Back, Sven-Erik
20 kr
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Lord, to the heavens Your grace reaches
For unison children's choir, mixed choir and piano.
Chilcott, Bob
SATB, unison + piano
43 kr
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As the Father has loved
For 2-part choir in any setting and organ. Text after Joh. 15.
Lollipop, Simon
SA/SAB/SATB/TB + organ
48 kr
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Face to face
Riedel, Georg
SA + piano
32 kr
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We Will See Light
Shine, Gittan
34 kr
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Nothing to get in the way
Eriksson, Nadja
SATB + piano
32 kr
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For with you is the source of life
Well-known psalter hymn set to music for SAB and piano.
Bragdell Eriksson, Jens
SAB + piano
43 kr
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As the deer longs for streams of water
Five songs for women's choir and organ.
Lindberg, Olle
SSA + organ
65 kr
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Love each other
A heartfelt song about love and trust. Light choral set SATB and piano. The verses can be advantageously sung by soloists from the choir.
Light, Deanna/ Tate, Paul A
SATB + piano, C instr
54 kr
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Light my way
Sandstrom, Linda
SAB piano + piano
59 kr
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Keep me as the apple of your eye
Text after Psalms 17:8 and 36:6-8. The piece consists of a three-part choral movement, unison children's choir and a vocalist ad lib.
Schonhowd Haugen, Ivar
SAB, unison, (S) + piano/organ
37 kr
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The source of health
Sixten, Fredrik
SAB + piano, flute
37 kr
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To come home
Göte Strandsjö's soulful song in arr by Mikael Fridén for choir SATB and piano.
Strandsjö, Göte
SATB + piano
32 kr
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Christ, be with us
For unison or mixed choir, organ or piano with instrumental parts ad lib.
Rizza, Margaret
SATB, unison + organ/piano, instr ad lib
26 kr
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You are my center
For unison or mixed choir, organ or piano with instrumental parts ad lib.
Rizza, Margaret
SATB/unison + organ/piano, instr ad lib
26 kr
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Three psalter motets
Chorus and verses for mixed choir and organ ad lib. Texts from the Psalms.
Lundberg, Staffan
SATB, organ ad lib
32 kr
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Oh, answer me
Schutz, Heinrich
SA + organ/piano
48 kr
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A way to go
Corpus Christi Choral with Swedish text for choir SATB a cappella.
Kverno, Trond
SATB (div)
37 kr