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Jag är kärlek
Skrivet för och av ungdomar tillsammans med upphovspersonerna.
Sandén, Sofia
SSA+vl, kb, piano/orgel
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Trösten läker stilla
Eriksson, Nadja
44 kr
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God is mystery
Riedel, Georg
SATB, solo + piano
37 kr
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Loving is free
Ten songs for children's choir for ten Sundays.
Wiman, Ellinor
children's choir (+ piano)
90 kr
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Our Father
Two versions in the same edition, SATB and SAB.
20 kr
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For solo, mixed choir and piano/guitar arranged by Leif Lundberg. Text by Py Bäckman.
Cohen, Leonard
SATB, solo + vocals, piano/guitar
43 kr
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Our Father
For choir SATB a cappella.
Frumerie, Gunnar de
26 kr
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Lead Me God/Lead Me
For mixed choir and organ. Swedish and English text.
Wesley, Samuel
SATB + organ
29 kr
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Our Father
For choir SATB a cappella.
Moren, John
26 kr
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God is mystery
Riedel, Georg
SA + piano
32 kr
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On the beautiful shore of life
For unison choir and organ or piano. Original title: Lord, lead us day by day.
Handel, Georg Friedrich
unison + organ/piano
32 kr
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Our Father
The Lord's Prayer in a folk music-inspired composition for women's choir.
Löfberg, Maria
SSA a cappella
32 kr
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I hear the voice of God
Prayer with a close address for solo, driving SATB and piano.
Åkerblom Nielsen, Nina
SATB, solo + piano
48 kr
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Christ our morning light
Atmospheric anthem with a jubilant key rise that precedes the lyrical ending. For choir SATB and organ.
Rutter, John
48 kr
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That time is now
English-style song about the music and spirit that inspires us to act positively and powerfully. For SAB and accompaniment.
True, Lori
59 kr
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Our Father
Mattias Sjöberg's setting of Vår Fader in setting for SSAA. Also available for mixed choirs.
Sjöberg, Matthias
32 kr
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Our Father
The Lord's Prayer in a well-written arrangement for choir SATB a cappella.
Olofson, Pelle
SATB a cappella
32 kr
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The road to the rainbow is the road to you
Eriksson, Nadja
SSA + piano
59 kr
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Lord, O Merciful
Nixon, June
SAB + organ/piano
26 kr
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Who lets the sun shine freely?
For piano and SAB. With a samba feeling from hymns in the 21st century
Sixten, Fredrik
SAB + piano
32 kr
Picture coming soon
Come Holy Spirit
For unison or mixed choir, organ or piano with instrumental parts ad lib.
Rizza, Margaret
SATB/unison + organ/piano, instr ad lib
26 kr