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Sång för de unga i advents-och jultid.
Persson, Katarina
34 kr
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Immanuel, whom God has sent
Sleeth, Natalie
unison, S + piano
48 kr
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Hail Mary Stella
Bengmark, Karin
SA + piano
29 kr
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Rejoice in the Lord always
For unison choir and organ. Text from File. 4:4-7.
Kverno, Trond
unison + organ
26 kr
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I dina spår
Sång som hyllar några av Bibelns kvinnor: Miriam, Hanna, Marina och Lydia
Sandström, Linda
44 kr
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Vad tänkte de dina, Maria?
Bäckström, Birgitta
44 kr
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Everything is GRACE
Ivarsson, David
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Christmas oratorio
A newly written Christmas oratorio that combines tradition with a large measure of innovation – textually and musically!
Saulesco, David
SATB + Fl, cl, 2 tpt, 2 perc, Mz, T, Bar, SATB, rec, organ, str
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You light, you star
A story in the form of song and song. A cantata that leads us with desire and tenderness to the child in Bethlehem.
Kennemark, Hans
SAB + flute, violin 1 & 2, pi, organ, double bass, guitar
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God, let your star
A simple, but subtle text by Atle Burman, well-sounding and easily arranged for SATB by Gunilla Wallenström. A very useful Advent song throughout the Advent season.
Wallenström, Gunilla
18 kr
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We light the candles of Advent
A gently swaying Advent song in a rumba beat, with closing exciting harmony changes for SAB, flute and piano
Johammar, Anders
SAB + flute, piano
29 kr
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Display in Advent
For mixed choir a cappella with text by Atle Burman.
Carlshamre, Reibjörn
16 kr
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Hail Mary
For SA, C instruments and piano.
Andreasson, Jens/Wittje, Bengt
SA + piano, instr ad lib
40 kr
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Now a thousand Christmas lights are lit
Arrangement for mixed choir by Claes af Geijerstam.
Koehler, Emmy
29 kr
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Four Advent and Christmas carols
Four Advent and Christmas carols for mixed choir and flute arranged by Mats Åkerlund.
SATB + flute
40 kr
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The Virgin's Name Was Mary
Carol sings a cappella about Maria and the great mission that was imposed on her.
Skempton, Howard
equal votes, 4 votes
27 kr
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Hail Mary
For choir SATB div and organ. Latin text.
Tubin, Eduard
SATB div + organ
37 kr
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Hail Mary
For choir TTBB and organ. Latin text.
Tubin, Eduard
TTBB + organ
21 kr
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Hail Mary Stella
For choir SSATTBB a cappella. Latin text.
Olsson, Otto
48 kr
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Jesus all my joy will be
Final chorale from Cantata 147 for mixed choir and organ/piano.
Bach, Johann Sebastian
SATB + organ, piano
29 kr
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God Be in My Head
For mixed choir a cappella. Also includes Gibbons, Amen.
Rutter, John
29 kr
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For SAB or male choir and organ.
Vidacovic, A
SAB/TTBB + organ
29 kr
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The people who walk in darkness
For three-part mixed choir arranged by Henry Nordin.
French melody from the 18th century
20 kr
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Three Latin Hymns
For choir SATB. Contains Veni creator spiritus, Miserere and Ave Maria.
Berg, Gottfrid
40 kr