
Åse Söderqvist-Spering's collections and pedagogical methods for piano have had a major impact on music education in the country. For the past 15 years, she has been employed extensively for lectures and courses for piano teachers and other instrumental teachers in Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Iceland and the Faroe Islands.

Åse Söderqvist-Spering was born and raised in Denmark. She completed her piano teaching degree in 1970 for Professor Gottfrid Boon at the then Stockholm City School's Music Department. After working for a few years as a performing musician, she was employed at Täby Culture and Music School.

In addition to piano lessons, Åse has worked with ensemble and class teaching and with developing the collaboration between the music school and primary school. She has written several textbooks on piano playing, ear training and music theory.

In 2007, Åse Söderqvist received the Spering Mai von Rosen prize for valuable contributions to piano pedagogy. The award ceremony took place at Kungl. Musical Academy. The justification read: "Åse Söderqvist-Spering has, with great musical competence and insight, created inspiring learning materials that have enabled several generations of young people to be introduced to and develop in the world of music and piano playing."

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