The clear light of the melodies and the lively, clear designs of his pieces have led to Bo Linde becoming a highly respected and loved composer. His careful way of working always aimed to achieve a solid but also spontaneously accessible result.
Born on 1 January 1933 in Gävle, died on 2 October 1970 in Gävle. The first music studies took place during school time for Eric Bengtsson and May Bökman. Later, Linde became a composition student of Lars-Erik Larsson at the Academy of Music in Stockholm in 1948. In Vienna he studied conducting in 1953 - 54. At Stockholm's Borgarskola he was employed as a teacher of music theory in 1957 - 60 and was then mainly active in Gävle as a composer, pianist and music notifier for Gefle Dagblad.
A relaxed and fresh elegance was the leitmotif of his musical perception - which does not mean that the moods are completely carefree. Quiet reflection and melancholy shine through in his manner of expression without crossing the line into gloomy heavy-handedness. The joy of finding oneself at home with the possibilities of the musical craft gives his compositions the dual character of inspiration and solid knowledge. It was in classically marked forms that he composed with moderate thematic processing, a conversational tone in the relationship between dignified melodies and other more wildly derived phrases.
Hans-Gunnar Peterson
Source: Swedish Music