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The emotional songs
A whole collection of songs to express your feelings through.
Klum Ekdahl, Alva/Halapi, Lars
children's choir
152 kr
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Seven ballads about trust – in a wounded reality
Bergman, Marie
SAB + piano
119 kr
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Prayer in All Saints' Day
Eriksson, Nadja
SATB + piano/organ
27 kr
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See our earth
Five Sephardic songs from sab simply arranged for women's choir.
Hernqvist, Lars
treble choir
43 kr
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In the sunrise
Atmospheric setting of Bo Setterlind's text for women's choir and piano/organ.
Alinder, Håkan
SA + piano
32 kr
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The Bearer - songs of wisdom, presence and light
Eleven songs about life's eternal questions inspired by the Saviour's wreath with lyrics by Åsa Hagberg. For young riders of all ages. For choir SAAB and piano.
Eriksson, Nadja
SAAB + piano
169 kr
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In your hands
Wallin, Anette/Toft, Pers Nils
SATB + flute, viola, cello, piano
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Around the savior's wreath
Two services with music for choir and congregation by John L. Bell.
Bell, John L
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Such as orbs of light
Kjellberg, Karin
SATB + piano
41 kr
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The heavy day turns to night
Arranged by Sv.Ps. 459 for SAB and organ ad lib.
Robertson, Karl-Olof
SAB + organ ad lib
26 kr
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You gave me your life
Gospel inspired for Lent for SATB and piano.
Eriksson, Nadja
SATB + piano
26 kr
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You are the best there is! - Booklet 1
Beautiful settings of two children's texts for the children's choir.
Ekermo, Gunnar
SA + piano
37 kr
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Symeon's Hymn
For SAB a cappella. Text from the Gospel of Luke 2:29-32.
Shield, Agneta
32 kr
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Quiet, pleasant evening hours
Arrangement for mixed choir a cappella by Nils Lindberg after an old melody from Åhl sung by Torn Erik.
Lindberg, Nils
SATB div
37 kr
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SAB simply - part 1
Worship music for SAB. Songs from widely spread musical traditions.
Hernqvist, Lars
SAB + piano ad lib
120 kr