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Ljus av ljus
Sandström, Linda
34 kr
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We sing together
A book that is useful both in elementary school and in church.
Larsson, Agneta
children's choir
152 kr
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You, you, you
Agnelid, EvaMarie
SA + piano
39 kr
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Seven ballads about trust – in a wounded reality
Bergman, Marie
SAB + piano
119 kr
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Fair in the way of young people
A collection of songs that capture glimpses of the secrets of the fair - in the way of young people.
Borjesson, Linda
SA + piano/organ
104 kr
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We do it together
Songs about situations and thoughts in the everyday life of older children and teenagers.
Eriksson, Nadja
SA + piano
86 kr
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The Bearer - songs of wisdom, presence and light
Eleven songs about life's eternal questions inspired by the Saviour's wreath with lyrics by Åsa Hagberg. For young riders of all ages. For choir SAAB and piano.
Eriksson, Nadja
SAAB + piano
169 kr
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I dina spår
Sång som hyllar några av Bibelns kvinnor: Miriam, Hanna, Marina och Lydia
Sandström, Linda
44 kr
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Out of the shadows
Josefsson, Anna-Lena/ Wallin, Karin
SAB + flute, piano
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This is the place. This is the time.
A larger work for choir and ensemble about love and sadness, joy and anger, longing and security with texts by Kerstin Weman Thornell.
Hart, Daniel
SATB, children's and youth choir, reciter + pi, vcl, kb, slv
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We are the future
Four songs for children's choir filled with joy and confidence.
Brännström, Johanna
SA + piano
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Thought songs 2
Whimsical songs for seven of the spring Sundays for unison children's choir and piano.
Runborg, Martin
children's choir + piano
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Around the savior's wreath
Two services with music for choir and congregation by John L. Bell.
Bell, John L
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The table of diversity
Mass for worship or concert with great opportunity for congregational participation. For choir SATB and instrumental ensemble.
Fjellström, Daniel
SATB + oboe/eng horn, vl, kb, org, slv
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We are here
Cederberg-Orreteg, Anna
SSA + piano
49 kr
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Close to you
Edwardsson, Noah
32 kr
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Nothing to get in the way
Eriksson, Nadja
SATB + piano
32 kr
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Silent miracle
Fine-tuned Norwegian song in Swedish translation.
Nørgaard, Niels
32 kr
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You gave us everything
Carlsson, Sara
SATB + piano
43 kr
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welcome home
Nilsson, Tommy
SATB + piano
54 kr
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The children's best interests
Song from Ensemble Yria's performance "Find the right one!" on human rights
Eurenius, Cecilia/Westberg, Karin
SA + piano
32 kr
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Come in peace
Sung prayer with simple refrain and many useful verses.
Haugen, Marty
SAB + piano/organ
32 kr
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The day you gave us
For SSA and organ arranged by Anders Öhrwall.
Scholefield, CC
SSA + organ
37 kr
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I got happy
Latino-inflected song about the joy that there is room for everyone with God. For choir SATB and piano.
SATB, congregation + piano, guitar
37 kr