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Jämtbäck, Stefan
44 kr
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The sky sings tonight
Christmas carol for three-part women's choir and saxophone or flute and piano.
Sjönneby, Ola
SSA + piano, sax
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Dare to sing
Widfeldt, Torbjörn
SAB + piano
152 kr
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Hosianna, du är Guds son
Persson, Katarina
44 kr
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Stay with me/They didn't see you
Ahlberg, Verner
43 kr
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You gave us everything
Carlsson, Sara
SATB + piano
43 kr
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The healing power of love
Bäckström, Birgitta
32 kr
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Light of the world
For children's choir and piano.
Almkvisth, Alwar
SA + piano
26 kr
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Why did we go away to search
Anders Frostenson's hymn text set to music for choir SAB.
Åkerlund, Mats
26 kr
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Lord, when your day has come
New setting of Sv Ps 174.
Åkerlund, Mats
26 kr
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Christ our morning light
Atmospheric anthem with a jubilant key rise that precedes the lyrical ending. For choir SATB and organ.
Rutter, John
48 kr
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Behold, I am with you always
Grand anthem in English style for choir SATB and organ.
Rutter, John
SATB + organ
54 kr
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King of ages
Powerful hymn for SAB and organ with unison chorus and chorus verses
Townend, Stuart/Getty, Keith
SAB + organ
32 kr
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He came one day
For SAB and quiet piano accompaniment
Sixten, Fredrik
SAB + piano
37 kr
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Son of God once in the morning glory
Edition in the series Swedish psalm arrangements. For SATB, congregation and organ.
Olofsson, Pär
SATB + organ
43 kr
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We sing praises to the Lord
Hymn in Anglican style for SAB and organ.
Doane, William
SAB + organ
54 kr
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Christmas rose
Christmas carol for SATB and piano/organ that can be sung a cappella with advantage. The melody is based on a folk melody from Leksand. Text Ylva Eggehorn.
Sixten, Fredrik
SATB + piano/organ
37 kr
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See Mary's baby
Spiritual for treble choir with Swedish and English text.
Trad. spiritual
SA + piano/organ
48 kr
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O Lamb of God
Simple a cappella movement for SATB with traditional liturgical text.
Petersson, Per Gunnar
SATB a cappella
26 kr
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Blessed are you who come
This is an arrangement of the music best known through the Eurovision broadcasts on TV where it is played as a signature.
Charpentier, Marc-Antoine
32 kr
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Be blessed, Jesus Christ
The work uses chromaticism and a large range of dynamics to achieve tension and form.
Saint-Saëns, Camille
32 kr
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Because you did not take the divine
For choir SAB and organ. Olov Hartman's text for Sv ps 38 set to music by Fredrik Sixten.
Sixten, Fredrik
SAB + organ
43 kr
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Thee we sing praises, honour
Agnestig, Carl-Bertil
32 kr
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And the Glory of the Lord
For choir SAB and piano. Swedish and English text.
Handel, Georg Friedrich
SAB + piano
48 kr