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Julvisa i tretakt för diskant- eller damkören
Berg, Charlotte
44 kr
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In dulci jubilo
One of the world's most famous Christmas melodies arranged by Jens Eriksson for treble choir with flowing accompaniment for piano or harp.
14th century/Wittenberg 1553
SSA + piano/harp
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Mörkret har lagt sitt täcke
Sång för de unga i advents-och jultid.
Persson, Katarina
34 kr
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I look up to the sky
Niles, John Jacob
30 kr
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Angels sing
Sandstrom, Linda
SAB + piano
49 kr
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Light to night black earth
Norwegian Christmas carol in arr for SATB and piano and violin ad lib.
Nygård, Elin
SATB + piano, violin ad lib
48 kr
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To Bethlehem my heart
SATB + C-instr, piano
37 kr
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Messias är här
Åkesson Lefler, Ulf
SATB+vl, vlc, kb, piano
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Winter landscape
Painting winter piece in an exciting setting for women's choir, cello and piano.
Sandquist, Mia
SSAA + cello, piano
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Christmas oratorio
A newly written Christmas oratorio that combines tradition with a large measure of innovation – textually and musically!
Saulesco, David
SATB + Fl, cl, 2 tpt, 2 perc, Mz, T, Bar, SATB, rec, organ, str
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Christmas, Christmas glorious Christmas
Hugo Hamamrström's score in arrangement for choir SSA a cappella.
Hammarström, Hugo
26 kr
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Silent Night
For mixed chorus in scar by David Wikander. Older Swedish text version.
Gruber, Franz
32 kr
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A raven flew to Bethlehem
Chilcott, Bob
SSA + piano
45 kr
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A child is born in Bethlehem
Farrell, Robert G
SATB + organ
38 kr
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To Bethlehem my heart
Well-known show arranged for ladies' choir by Kjell Lönnå.
Nephew, Hans A
29 kr
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Maybe it's night at your place
Music with a nice whisper character of Bo Setterlind's well-known text.
Lidén, Örjan
SATB + piano
34 kr
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The great mystery
Bragdell Eriksson, Jens
43 kr
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The Night of Silence
In memory of the Christmas Peace 1914 for treble/ladies' choir and organ. Also available for mixed choir.
Bragdell Eriksson, Jens
SSA + organ
48 kr
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Arise, rejoice, all of you
Cheerful song for Christmas and Advent for choir SAB, piano and violin.
Nordstoga, Odd
SAB + violin, piano
48 kr
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Lullaby of the Virgin Mary
Atmospheric lullaby for choir SSA with Swedish and Spanish text arranged by Norman Luboff.
Spanish carol
26 kr
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Concert of the Angels
Music suitable for Christmas times, for SAA choir and piano.
Eriksson, Nadja
SAA + piano
43 kr
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Heavenly music
Beautiful sounding English choral music at its best.
Rutter, John
SATB + organ
54 kr
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Silent night/Glorious is the earth
Gruber, Franz/Silesian folk song
SSAA, flute + piano
48 kr
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Hear, bells' song
Leontovich, Mykola
SSA + piano
32 kr