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Jämtbäck, Stefan
44 kr
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The sky sings tonight
Christmas carol for three-part women's choir and saxophone or flute and piano.
Sjönneby, Ola
SSA + piano, sax
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Mörkret har lagt sitt täcke
Sång för de unga i advents-och jultid.
Persson, Katarina
34 kr
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Bethlehem my heart
Melody from Malung arranged for mixed choir by Anders Nyberg.
18 kr
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To Bethlehem my heart
SATB + C-instr, piano
37 kr
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Messias är här
Åkesson Lefler, Ulf
SATB+vl, vlc, kb, piano
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For Unto Us a Child Is Born
Handel, Georg Friedrich
40 kr
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Who chooses cold and loneliness
Leijon, Jerker
SATB alto SSA + piano
29 kr
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The night will fall
Shield, Agneta
29 kr
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For SSA a cappella with text by Per Harling.
Afro-American spiritual
20 kr
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Holy God
Good, simple, user-friendly, rocking, gospel ballad, that any choir can handle. Also gilded with a flute part. for SAB
Öberg, Richard
SAB + flute, piano
20 kr
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I wish I were a shepherd
A heartfelt Christmas carol for mixed choir and piano.
Johammar, Anders
SATB + piano
40 kr
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Hear the sky fill with song
This famous French melody has received a new text by Åsa Hagberg, and a new easily accessible arrangement by Leif Lundberg for SAB, treble and piano.
French melody
SAB, treble + piano
27 kr
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The angels and the shepherds
The beautiful and fine Christmas carol from Bohemia has been arranged by Gunilla Wallenström for a two-part treble choir with a flute part.
Christmas carol from Bohemia
SA + flute, organ
34 kr
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Hear the sky fill with song
This famous French melody has received a new text by Åsa Hagberg, and a new easily accessible arrangement by Leif Lundberg for SATB, treble and piano.
French melody
SATB, treble + piano
27 kr
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Lay on straw
Three Christmas carols of different character and tone finely arranged for SAB choir, where the flute compiles the arrangement with an extra luster that lifts the whole song.
Widéen, Ivar/Hopkins, EJ
SAB + flute, organ
46 kr
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Now a thousand Christmas lights are lit
Arrangement for mixed choir by Claes af Geijerstam.
Koehler, Emmy
29 kr
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Virgin Mary to Bethlehem went
Swedish folk song arranged for SSAA and piano by Lars Hernqvist.
SSAA + piano
40 kr
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Psalms in the 21st century - Lent, Easter, Pentecost
Ten psalms from Psalms in the 21st century in choral setting (SATB, SAB) for Lent, Easter and Pentecost.
99 kr
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In Bethlehem
Choral variation from Malung in arrangement and with text by Anders Nyberg.
SATB + piano
43 kr
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The savior of the world came here
Medieval hymn arranged for treble choir by Jan Hellberg.
treble choir
20 kr
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Silent Night
For mixed choir a cappella.
At least 5 examples
Gruber, Franz
56 kr
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Silent Night
Arrangement for mixed choir by David Willcocks.
Gruber, Franz
27 kr
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The Holy Night/Silent Night
Hanns Miessner adaptation of Silent Night for SSA / TTBB / SATB. Swedish text.
Gruber, Franz
28 kr