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The sky sings tonight
Christmas carol for three-part women's choir and saxophone or flute and piano.
Sjönneby, Ola
SSA + piano, sax
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God who takes care of the sparrows
For SAB a cappella.
Sandén, Uno
20 kr
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Hail Mary Stella
Bengmark, Karin
SA + piano
29 kr
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Fair in the way of young people
A collection of songs that capture glimpses of the secrets of the fair - in the way of young people.
Borjesson, Linda
SA + piano/organ
104 kr
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Dare to sing
Widfeldt, Torbjörn
SAB + piano
152 kr
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Mild star clean and clear
Pure and atmospheric women's choir SSA about the star.
Wickstrand, Ingemar
32 kr
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Sing about God's glory
Organ set by Lars Hallgren.
Brunetti, Domenico
SAB + organ
65 kr
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Gaelic prayer
Swedish text Gunilla Marcus-Luboff and Jörgen Ralphsson. For SA and piano.
Rutter, John
SA + piano
32 kr
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Human wisdom
French Christmas carol arranged for mixed choir, flute and piano.
Ford, Sandra T
SATB + flute, piano
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Mother Mary
Musical for treble choir, soloists, piano, organ, percussion and speaking roles.
Hovland, Egil
SSA, soprano solo, alto/baritone solo + piano, organ, percussion, speaking roles
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In the sunrise of life
Arrangement for 2-part treble choir and piano of Schubert's lied.
Schubert, Franz
SA + piano
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Mass to Light from Darkness
Beautiful and striking music for choir and organ or string ensemble.
Tvete Vik, Tormod
SATB + string ensemble, organ
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Fair to light from darkness
Beautiful and evocative music for choir, strings and organ alto. choir and organ.
Tvete Vik, Tormod
SATB + string ensemble, organ
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Symeon's Hymn (Nunc dimittis)
Leijon, Jerker
20 kr
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Song to the light
Leijon, Jerker
unison/SA/ SAB/ SATB + flute, piano/organ
43 kr
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Because the light
Löfberg, Maria
SATB + piano, accompaniment
85 kr
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Holy God
Good, simple, user-friendly, rocking, gospel ballad, that any choir can handle. Also gilded with a flute part. for SAB
Öberg, Richard
SAB + flute, piano
20 kr
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Hail Mary
For SA, C instruments and piano.
Andreasson, Jens/Wittje, Bengt
SA + piano, instr ad lib
40 kr
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To Exist
For mixed choir a cappella or with accompaniment ad lib after chord analysis analysis.
Janunger, Kjell
SATB + piano/guitar
18 kr
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Hail Mary
For SA and organ, text in Swedish and Latin.
Franck, Cesar
SA + organ
40 kr
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Jesus all my joy will be
Final chorale from Cantata 147 for mixed choir and organ/piano.
Bach, Johann Sebastian
SATB + organ, piano
29 kr
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God Be in My Head
For mixed choir a cappella. Also includes Gibbons, Amen.
Rutter, John
29 kr
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Beautiful is the earth
Arrangement for mixed choir a cappella.
Lindberg, J Olof
21 kr
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Beautiful is the earth
Arrangement for treble choir a cappella.
Eldermark, Birger
21 kr