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Time has its way
Mass in a folk musical style with nature-inspired text.
Källström, Fanny
SATB + vl I, vl II, kb, org
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Praise the Lord, earth and heaven
For unison drive with piano.
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus
unison + piano
32 kr
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Hosianna, Davids son
Bragdell Eriksson, Jens
54 kr
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Fair in the way of young people
A collection of songs that capture glimpses of the secrets of the fair - in the way of young people.
Borjesson, Linda
SA + piano/organ
104 kr
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Dare to sing
Widfeldt, Torbjörn
SAB + piano
152 kr
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A variety of gifts you give us
Eriksson, Jens
SATB + piano
48 kr
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Flexible choral singing for different settings and piano accompaniment.
Engdahl, Eli mixed köreth
SAB/SA/unison + piano
37 kr
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The Bearer - songs of wisdom, presence and light
Eleven songs about life's eternal questions inspired by the Saviour's wreath with lyrics by Åsa Hagberg. For young riders of all ages. For choir SAAB and piano.
Eriksson, Nadja
SAAB + piano
169 kr
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From Exsultate Jubilate, arranged by Leah Perona Wright for SAB.
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus
SAB + piano
37 kr
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Come, thank the Lord for life
For 2-part treble choir and piano.
Patterson, Mark
SA + piano
37 kr
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Rejoice in the Lord always
For unison choir and organ. Text from File. 4:4-7.
Kverno, Trond
unison + organ
26 kr
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Cantata Domino
Text from Psalm 149:1-2. Swedish text by Kjell Svensson.
Pitoni, Giuseppe Ottavio
37 kr
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I dina spår
Sång som hyllar några av Bibelns kvinnor: Miriam, Hanna, Marina och Lydia
Sandström, Linda
44 kr
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Hosianna, du är Guds son
Persson, Katarina
44 kr
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Everything is GRACE
Ivarsson, David
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Thought songs
Whimsical songs for eight of autumn's Sundays for unison children's choir and piano.
Runborg, Martin
children's choir
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Around the savior's wreath
Two services with music for choir and congregation by John L. Bell.
Bell, John L
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When the leaves dance
Three children's choir songs by Nadja Eriksson and Åsa Hagberg with their unique feeling for children and singing.
Eriksson, Nadja
SA + piano
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For solo, treble choir, mixed choir and instruments.
Ellerstedt, Borje
SATB, solo + organ, instr
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It is good to be still
Songs and psalter hymns for choir and instruments.
Hovland, Egil
mixed choir + org, trp, tb
244 kr
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Igama lakhe jehova
Included in a series of choral songs (...mbira and drum...) from Lutheran churches in southern Africa.
Makalisa, JJ
SATB, solo
32 kr
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Hallelujah Tang' Omwene
Included in a series of choral songs (...mbira and drum...) from Lutheran churches in southern Africa.
Nakashole, Lavinia
26 kr
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Iigwana Niilongo tangeni
Included in a series of choral songs (...mbira and drum...) from Lutheran churches in southern Africa.
Katuta, Ndapanda
26 kr
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Sing to our God
For 2-part choir and piano. Piano movement arranged by John T Burke. The music is originally a duet from the opera Bastien und Bastienne.
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus
SA/SAB/SATB/TB + piano
43 kr