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It is good to be still
Songs and psalter hymns for choir and instruments.
Hovland, Egil
mixed choir + org, trp, tb
244 kr
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My heart is ready
Clint, Victoria
SAB + piano
38 kr
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O for the Wings of a Dove!
An excerpt from Mendelssohn's well-known Hear my Prayer arranged for soloist and choir SAB.
Medelssohn-Bartholdy, Felix
solo, SAB
48 kr
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Sicut cervus
Well-known psalter text set to music for SATB a cappella.
Carlshamre, Reibjörn
32 kr
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This is the day the Lord made
Easter song in three bars in folk music style.
Sjöblom, Fredrik
SATB + accompaniment ad lib
26 kr
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In God our life
Lawton, Liam
solo, SATB + piano, cello
54 kr
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The Good Shepherd
For SAB, piano/organ and c-instrument.
Highben, Zebulon M
SAB + piano/organ, C instr
48 kr
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You are my shepherd
Irish Liam Lawton's interpretation of Psalm 23 with influences of Irish musical tradition. For SATB and accompaniment.
Lawton, Liam
SATB + piano
59 kr
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With his peace
Fine-tuned Japanese prayer for various occasions. For two-part choir and accompaniment in translation by Tomas Boström.
Japanese folk melody
two-part choir + piano/guitar C-instr ad lib
32 kr
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Wake us to light
Hymn for SATB a cappella with Swedish text by Niklas Rådström.
Mendelssohn Bartholdy, Felix
26 kr
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The signed day
Melody from Orsa arranged for mixed choir. Text from a Nordic daily hymn from the Middle Ages.
Lindberg, Nils
32 kr