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Klasson, Börje
44 kr
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Twelve organ pieces over chorale motifs
Organ pieces over twelve well-known chorales.
Olsson, Otto
189 kr
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With a song from my heart
SATB and organ.
Rutter, John
SATB + organ
54 kr
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See our earth
Five Sephardic songs from sab simply arranged for women's choir.
Hernqvist, Lars
treble choir
43 kr
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Dare to sing
Widfeldt, Torbjörn
SAB + piano
152 kr
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Veni sancte spiritus
The old Pentecost sequence in a powerful, but not difficult choral movement with organ.
Shield, Agneta
SATB + organ
54 kr
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The wind of truth
Kennemark, Hans
SATB + flute, violin, double bass, organ
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Come dawn
Leijon, Jerker
43 kr
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You are that bread
SAB a cappella.
Jämtbäck, Stefan
56 kr
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Psalms in the 21st century - Lent, Easter, Pentecost
Ten psalms from Psalms in the 21st century in choral setting (SATB, SAB) for Lent, Easter and Pentecost.
99 kr
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Known driving phrases 2
Three-part choral movements, a cappella, arranged by Lennart Hultin.
90 kr
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For mixed choir a cappella.
Lindberg, Oskar
SATB div
43 kr
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Three Latin Hymns
For choir SATB. Contains Veni creator spiritus, Miserere and Ave Maria.
Berg, Gottfrid
40 kr
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It is good to be still
Songs and psalter hymns for choir and instruments.
Hovland, Egil
mixed choir + org, trp, tb
244 kr
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The flowers that live in the ground
Koch, Erland von
26 kr
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The Whispering Spirit
Berg, Charlotte
29 kr
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O for the Wings of a Dove!
An excerpt from Mendelssohn's well-known Hear my Prayer arranged for soloist and choir SAB.
Medelssohn-Bartholdy, Felix
solo, SAB
48 kr
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All that spirit has
Silcher, Friedrich
32 kr
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God's spirit breathes life
Epistle for Pentecost.
Boström, Tomas
32 kr
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When I breathe
Tango for choir SAB, piano and violin.
Sandstrom, Linda
SAB + piano, violin
43 kr
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I hear the voice of God
Prayer with a close address for solo, driving SATB and piano.
Åkerblom Nielsen, Nina
SATB, solo + piano
48 kr
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Behold, I am with you always
Grand anthem in English style for choir SATB and organ.
Rutter, John
SATB + organ
54 kr
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Here comes the whole me
A happy song for unison (children's) choir and piano.
Even, Kerstin
S + piano
32 kr
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Who has seen the wind
For SA and piano.
Almkvisth, Alwar
SA + piano
32 kr