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Time has its way
Mass in a folk musical style with nature-inspired text.
Källström, Fanny
SATB + vl I, vl II, kb, org
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Mörkret har lagt sitt täcke
Sång för de unga i advents-och jultid.
Persson, Katarina
34 kr
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You, you, you
Agnelid, EvaMarie
SA + piano
39 kr
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Fair in the way of young people
A collection of songs that capture glimpses of the secrets of the fair - in the way of young people.
Borjesson, Linda
SA + piano/organ
104 kr
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I dina spår
Sång som hyllar några av Bibelns kvinnor: Miriam, Hanna, Marina och Lydia
Sandström, Linda
44 kr
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Out of the shadows
Josefsson, Anna-Lena/ Wallin, Karin
SAB + flute, piano
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We are the future
Four songs for children's choir filled with joy and confidence.
Brännström, Johanna
SA + piano
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Light for each other
Kjellberg, Karin
39 kr
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Silent miracle
Fine-tuned Norwegian song in Swedish translation.
Nørgaard, Niels
32 kr
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In movement
Åsander, Martin
SAB + instr ad lib
44 kr
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Sjönneby, Ola
SSA + piano
37 kr
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Come, come friends
Sandstrom, Linda
children's choir + piano
26 kr
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Come in peace
Sung prayer with simple refrain and many useful verses.
Haugen, Marty
SAB + piano/organ
32 kr
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The name Man
The name Man conveys an ever-current message about our role as fellow human beings and as stewards of planet Earth. Anna has composed for SATB a cappella and reciter.
Cederberg-Orreteg, Anna
SATB a cappella
37 kr
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Friends and apples
Two happy, straightforward, songs for unison children's choir with piano accompaniment.
Gustafsson, Jenny/Engdahl, Elisabeth
unison choir + piano
43 kr
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God, you breathe through everything
Simple chorale movement in 7 verses for mixed choir, with alternative settings for verses 3, 6-7 for unison choir with organ and treble part.
Sixten, Fredrik
SATB, unison, S + organ ad lib
32 kr