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Jag är kärlek
Skrivet för och av ungdomar tillsammans med upphovspersonerna.
Sandén, Sofia
SSA+vl, kb, piano/orgel
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Fair in the way of young people
A collection of songs that capture glimpses of the secrets of the fair - in the way of young people.
Borjesson, Linda
SA + piano/organ
104 kr
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Eleven songs that follow the beads of the Savior's wreath.
Eriksson, Nadja
76 kr
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Everything is GRACE
Ivarsson, David
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Courage to live
Three songs about women in the Bible for choir, flute & piano
Wallin, K/Josefsson, AL/Rosén, G/Svantesson, P
SAB + flute, piano
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A new earth and heaven
Tunmats Åsehäll, Dan
solo, SATB + piano
34 kr
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Wow, what you can create!
Backe, Christian
children's choir + organ, flute
152 kr
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Silent miracle
Fine-tuned Norwegian song in Swedish translation.
Nørgaard, Niels
32 kr
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You gave us everything
Carlsson, Sara
SATB + piano
43 kr
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The healing power of love
Bäckström, Birgitta
32 kr
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Rosary prayers
Light songs in the Taizé spirit for choir and congregation.
Forsblad, Hanna
choir, congregation + instr ad lib
76 kr
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Everything has its time
For SATB a cappella.
Lindberg, Nils
32 kr
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A single voice/Anthem
Stylish anthem about fighting for the environment and human values. Swedish and English text. For SSAB and organ.
Milliken, Sandra
59 kr
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Deep River
Exciting arrangements that are challenging both for the choir and the pianist.
Weaver, Geoff
SSA + piano
37 kr