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Ekedahl, Per
SSAA a cappella
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Suite of five songs to texts by William Shakespeare. This is what the composer writes about the songs: "While I was reading up on sonnets by Petrarch and Shakespeare, I stumbled upon some other texts by Shakespeare which made me think that these would be suitable to be sung by a female choir. My curiosity about the 'instrument ' SSAA had already been awakened by another project, and by having listened to recordings of various women's choirs, not least by Elektra from Vancouver. Here I have tried to make the pieces a little interesting to sing for all the voices in the choir, and also with some easy-to-catch melodic loops. If someone claims that you can sense reminiscences of English madrigals, I do not object, even if it was not my stated intention.I had learned from my teacher at KMH, the composer Hans Eklund, that only one song should not be enough . Now it was five."