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Limu limu lima

Kullan Klockar conveys this ancient melody from the Älvdalen in a quiet, beautiful arrangement with the scent of Alfvén's folk tones.


39 kr

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Klockar comes from Orsa and spent the summers in a shack where her grandmother used to cook. She had heard Limu limu lima many times growing up. Someone told Klockar that it was sung by Hanser Lina Göransson, who was in Orsa's musical life when Klockar was a teenager.

Göransson was Alfvén's main soloist in the Siljan choir and later became an opera singer at the Royal Opera and debuted in Mascagni's Cavalleria rusticana/På Sicilien with Jussi Björling.

It is unclear where the melody comes from. Limu limu lima can be a folk song from Älvdalen, a wall song or Maria song. There are several Limas both outside Leksand and in Västra Dalarna.