Newly written song by Fredrik Kempe and Jonas Gardell for Gardell's musical "Livet är en schlager". Arrangement for SAB and comp by Anders Klint.<br> <b>at least 5 copies</b>
Kempe, Frederick
SAB + comp (piano)
37 kr
AK 172
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Arranger: Klint, Anders
Text author: Gardell, Jonas
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Duration: 0
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Publisher: Arrak music
Newly written song by Fredrik Kempe and Jonas Gardell for Gardell's musical "Livet är en schlager". Found on Peter Jöback's album "I love musicals". Contains key changes, ritardandos, crescendos, fermatas, yes everything that makes a real musical song :) Arrangement for SAB and accompaniment by Anders Klint. at least 5 copies
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