Per F. Broman has written the first detailed description of Sven-David Sandström's life and work.
Broman, Per F
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Controversial, shocking, naive, poignant - the reviews of Sven-David Sandström's music have been many and varied. Now he is portrayed in the Royal Academy of Music's book series Swedish composers. Author Per F. Broman talks about Sandström's roles at the Royal Academy of Music and Indiana University, about works such as High Mass and Staden, and much more. There have been many reviews of Sven-David Sandström's music during the fifty years or so that he has been active as a composer. He has been described as _x001A_controversial and shocking_x001A_ but also as _x001A_naive_x001A_ and poignant_x001A_. Colleagues have called him _x001A_ an apostate. Magnificent works such as the requiem The fallen from all memories, the opera Staden and High Mass have created bold headlines and fierce debates, but he has also worked in the small format with short compositions, such as his many works for the Church of Sweden. Per F. Broman has written the first detailed description of Sandström's life and work. In a penetrating way, he manages to get close to both the composer and the person, a person who is among the most influential in Swedish musical life. He is the composer who leaves no one untouched.
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