Léon Boëllmann (1862-1897) studied at the École Niedermeyer and served as titular organist at Saint-Vincent-de-Paul in Paris.
Following in the tradition of Saint-Saëns, Franck and Gigout, he wrote music reflecting the elegance and urbanity of the Belle Époque. In 1896 he published a collection of one hundred short pieces for organ or harmonium entitled Heures mystiques. These pieces now form volume III of Helga Schauerte-Maubouet's practical Urtext edition. The collection is divided into three sub-volumes reflecting the numbering and arrangement of Boëllmann's autograph fair copy. It offers organists a treasure-trove of easy pieces for use in church services. To play these pieces imaginatively on multi-manual organs, the performer must suitably adapt the musical text; the editor has provided an appendix with registrations for Offertoires I-II (op. 29, nos. 1-2) to serve as examples. In addition to a detailed preface and facsimiles, the edition includes a critical report in three languages and a list of sources.
- First complete Urtext edition of the works of Léon Boëllmann in six volumes - Easy pieces for use in church services - Includes the latest scholarly findings and newly discovered sources - Detailed preface, critical report in French/English/German, facsimiles of previously unknown sources, list of sources
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