This book is about the voice. The voice is the mirror of the soul: It reveals mood, health and personality. Each voice is unique and has its own character. Getting to know your voice is getting to know yourself.
The authors want to share their long experiences, and inspire us to develop our voices in speech as well as singing. They talk about what affects the voice and give many useful tips, including how to deal with nervousness. By developing your voice, you can determine the power in it yourself and become clearer in what you want to convey. The voice is infinitely developable and we can all learn to use it properly!
Lena Björk Franzén is a trained singing and choir teacher. She has taught at the Scandinavian School in Brussels and led a large number of choirs over the years.
Medeleine Uggla is a music educator and singer. She founded Stockholm's Musikpedagogiska Institut (SMI) in 1960 and was the initiator and chairman of the Swedish Voice Teachers' Association.
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