A solid book about piano technique and the anatomy of piano playing and the relationship between body and instrument.
Ydefeldt, Stefan
360 kr
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Why does one manage to solve a technical problem quickly one time, while another time it can take forever? What does the relationship between the body and the instrument look like? Every era has had its answers to these questions, which are thoroughly described in this book, which is addressed to piano teachers and pianists, church musicians and organ teachers. The aim is to be able to develop the ability to analyze movements and thereby improve both their own and their student's game. The book contains pictures, musical examples and exercises so that you can try different solutions for the instrument yourself.
"Stefan Ydefeldt has succeeded in both clarifying and in an extremely enthusiastic way compiling the rich flora of schools and methods that follow the piano and the path of pianistic [...]. The material is unique in its kind and can guide and inspire amateurs and professionals alike to greater knowledge and development." (Stefan Bojsten, professor of piano, Royal Academy of Music in Stockholm)
Stefan Ydefeldt has extensive experience behind him as a pianist, organist and pedagogue. He has continuously researched the movements of piano playing and lectured both in Sweden and abroad on movement philosophies in piano playing.
"This book presents a large amount of material, references and illustrations and is a valuable addition to the Swedish-language literature on the subject. The author writes committed, knowledgeable and detailed. [...] Anyone who takes the trouble to carefully go through the material will surely be able to develop both their own game as well as that of any students." (Ulrika Davidsson, KMT)
"Stefan Ydefeldt bears the role of an extremely impressive creator as an explanatory narrator of everything that has to do with the intricate details of piano playing. Ydefeldt's straightforward and clear language combined with seemingly as unlimited as breathtaking knowledge of everything that surrounds piano playing has here received a explanatory kind of piano bible, whether it concerns technically difficult problems or how a simple melody should be designed. Countless musical examples, historical perspectives and medical reasoning are mixed fresh and make the book an extremely impressive read." (Dag Lundin, Bokrecension.se)
The simple round movement is published in German on the Wissner Musikbuch under the title Dei einfache runde Bewegung am Klavier. See also the book Music and movement. by the same author.
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