

Version för altsolo och ensemble

Tranströmer Settings - Version for solo alto and ensemble

For voice and ensemble.

Staern, Benjamin

Transtroemer Songs - Score (B4)

652 kr

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Transtroemer songs - Voices

619 kr

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Work note by the composer:
Tranströmer Songs ("Tranströmer Settings") was commissioned by and dedicated to Carina Vinke, New European Ensemble and Christian Karlsen. It was originally composed for voice and ensemble (consisting of clarinet, bass clarinet, mandolin, guitar, violin, viola and violoncello) and later set for voice and piano with the instrumental intermezzi left out (GE 11797).

Benjamin Staern

The work has been widely performed on tour with the New European Ensemble in the autumn of 2010 in Sweden and Holland.

Sound samples:
New European Ensemble, sun. Carina Vinke, director. Christian Karlsen (recording from the premiere)