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Nyström, Jonas
SATB + brass/flute, piano, organ, percussion
Psaltaren 121 - Klaverutdrag
11893In stock
Psaltaren 121 - Partitur
11894In stock
Psaltaren 121 - Flöjtstämma
11895In stock
Psaltaren 121 - Trumpet 1, Bb
11896In stock
Psaltaren 121 - Trumpet 2, Bb
11897In stock
Psaltaren 121 - Trombon
11898In stock
Psaltaren 121 - Bastrombon
11940In stock
Psaltaren 121 - piano
11941In stock
Psaltaren 121 - orgel
11942In stock
Psaltaren 121 - Slagverk I-II
11943In stock
Psaltaren 121 - Textblad - 50-pack
11930-50In stock
Ordered by Själevad's congregation. The material contains a score, piano excerpts, parts and a booklet of lyrics that includes the songs of love. Broadcast as a TV service. "Seriousness and sincerity link the work together and instill an indisputable sense of 'church' in the most positive sense of the word [...] The congregational melody is a fine addition to our contemporary psalm treasury." Ida Fahl, Church musicians newspaper