Web comment by the composer: "The Muses, the goddesses of song, were all daughters of the god Zeus, born next to Olympus. In my work Kalliope, all nine Muses each get their movement, where these contrasting characters form the starting point for the imagination in an improvisational composition. The movements are divided into three groups of three movements, so that tempi and characters are maximally contrasted and varied throughout the work.The nine muses are each patrons of different artistic branches: Calliope (intrada), the foremost of the nine muses and mother of several of Apollo's children is the epic poetry and patroness of science.Urania, patroness of astronomy, Terpsichore patroness of choral poetry and dance, Euterpe patroness of the flute, Polyhymnia patroness of religious hymns and pantomime, Melpomene "The Singing" patroness of song and tragedy, Clio patroness of heroic poetry and narrative, Erato embodying the the lyrical poetry or the hymn and Thalia "The Prosperous" is the patroness of comedy and the performing arts."
Rolf Martinsson
Sound samples: 1. Calliope 3. Terpsichore Malmö Symphony Orchestra, cond. Christoph Koenig Daphne 1022
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