du stjärna

Julkantat för solister, kör SAB, församling, flöjt, fiol, kontrabas, piano och orgel

A story in the form of song and song. A cantata that leads us with desire and tenderness to the child in Bethlehem.

Kennemark, Hans

SAB + flute, violin 1 & 2, pi, organ, double bass, guitar

You light, you star - Choral score

229 kr

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You light, you star - Score

789 kr

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You light, you star - Voice score flute, violin 1&2

350 kr

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You light, you star - Voice score kb, pi,org

350 kr

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You light, you star - Agenda - 50 pack

443 kr

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A cantata written for soloist, choir SAB and ensemble that offers a certain flexibility depending on the wishes and resources of musicians. The congregation's singing participation is also important. Two of our oldest Christmas carols are incorporated into one work: It is a rose sprung and The world's savior came here.