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Tally, Miriam
Lament (Version A) - Score (A3)
12280In stock
Lament (version A) - Study score (A4)
13162In stock
Lament was commissioned by the Norrland Opera Symphony Orchestra as a pendang to Beethoven's Symphony No. 9. A recitative in the cello part, from the beginning of the fourth movement, forms the basis of the entire piece. "I have brought out the lyrical side of Beethoven, perhaps not his most typical characteristic, because I thought that all the struggle and fireworks that often describe his music felt a bit irrelevant in this context. I have repeatedly posted excerpts of the cello recitative in different registers, so that it becomes a kind of mantra. This is condensed with overtones and cluster lines, as accompaniment. This mantra is repeatedly interrupted with fanfare, which falls like a shadow over the lyrical element.” (Mirjam Tally)