Den magiska trädgården

<font color="#FF0000">Price reduced 30%.</font> Sixteen new songs aimed at children from preschool age up to ten years old.

Nordstrand, Chrisitna

The Magic Garden - CD

LUTF 1648
130 kr

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The Magic Garden - Book

LUTF 6614
132 kr

In stock

Price reduced 30% - previous price SEK 189.
Sixteen new songs aimed at children from preschool age up to ten years old.
In "The Magical Garden", anything can happen. Here there are many funny characters who all deal with music. Among others, we get to meet Arga Getingen, Myra Tyra and Bo and Sigeln Kristina.
In connection with each song there are small comments that can be used as a starting point for conversations/lessons about different musical styles and instruments.

The book comes with a CD (purchased separately) where children and adults sing the songs. For those who do not record themselves, the CD also contains singback versions.