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Lindberg, Nils
Ballad from Mockfjärd - Score
N06513In stock
Ballad from Mockfjärd - Tuning movement
N06514In stock
"Ballad from Mockfjärd" can be performed in two different versions. It can be performed by string orchestra with solo instruments and double bass as rhythm instruments, or by string quintet (3 violins, viola and violoncello), solo instruments and double bass.
Percussion is not necessary in any of the versions but can be used for the designations B and C if soloists ad lib are available at the same time.
The trumpet was primarily used as a solo instrument. The solo parts at B and C can be played by two soloists with one playing the B part and another playing the C part with the subsequent cadence. Piano can also be used as a solo instrument in any of these parts.
The tuning for "Ballad från Mockfjärd" contains both a Bb and C solo part.