

For symphony orchestra.

Damström, Cecilia

Tundo! - Score (A3)

482 kr

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Tundo! - Study score (A4)

196 kr

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Tundo! - Rental materials


Time is ticking while over 65 million refugees are knocking at the door of Europe in search of help and hope for a better life. Refugees who have lost everything, who have walked miles, who have paid everything they own for saving their own and their families' lives. The European Union has had a hard time choosing sides. And while it is tightening the regulations for refugees, the pressured knocking at our door is growing ever stronger. A both economic and humanitarian catastrophe is starting to show its full extent.

Tundo is the Latin word for "Knock" and is my description of the catastrophe of our time. I have tried to put in to music the knocking, the wars, the beautiful landscapes refugees have walked by, the rain that has poured over them, the sea and the dangerous boat ride, the screams for help, the arguing among the European Union's elite bureaucrats, the shouts of "don't let them in", the grief and pain due to loss of loved ones, the sympathy we Westerners have but which only lasts as long as the refugees don't affect our own lives in any way. All of this exists at the same time simultaneously, all of this is a part of our time, all of this will be part of our history and a burden on our conscience.

Events like one of the world's greatest nations choosing a racist, misogynistic man for president, have shattered me and put all my idealism into question. I'm not a politician, I'm not rich nor influential, but through my music I at least try to do my part for making the world a little better place to live in. By touching other people's hearts and telling the story of those who don't have a voice of their own in society – the refugees.