The Hidden Treasure
The Hidden Treasure

The Hidden Treasure

Die Kunst der Fuge – Contrapunctus 8

For orchestra.

Sandström, Sven-David

The Hidden Treasure - Score (B4)

465 kr

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The Hidden Treasure - Study Score (B5)

169 kr

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The Hidden Treasure - Rental material


Sven-David Sandström, together with a number of other composers, was commissioned by conductor Omer Meir Wellber to make their own interpretations of JS Bach's Kunst der Fuge for Bachfest 2019. It was a task Sandström saw as very honorable and fun, not least as Bach had been something of a constant companion. Sandström processed the eighth fugue, Contrapunctus 8, and said the following about the piece: "In the music, I've stayed pretty close to Bach's original, but also thrown in unexpected things that don't really belong there at all, e.g. large clusters that make the music sort of stops for a while. The title refers to Bach's phenomenal art of composition. In working on the piece, I found new, hidden things in Bach's way of composing that I had not seen before, a hidden treasure".