En svensk Markuspassion
En svensk Markuspassion

En svensk Markuspassion

2020 version. For soli, treble choir, mixed choir and chamber ensemble.

Sixten, Fredrik

SATB, SSA, soprano solo, alto solo, 2 tenor solos, 2 bass solos + oboe, bassoon, string quartet/string ensemble, double bass, organ

A Swedish St. Mark's Passion - Score

893 kr

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A Swedish St. Mark's Passion - Piano excerpt

416 kr

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En svensk Markuspassion 2020 års version – Stämmor

1 688 kr

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For soli, treble choir, mixed choir and chamber ensemble.
Choral texts by Bengt Pohjanen, other texts taken from Mark 14–15 and Isaiah 53.

Since its premiere, this work has conquered Sweden's churches. With its peculiar combination of folk music melodies and baroque elements, the music reaches its audience without detours. A soprano as evangelist leads through the story with virtuosic coloraturas and expressive parts. Jesus is portrayed by a baritone and the choirs have a central role.

"I am, and you shall see
The Son of Man sit on Power
right side and get in between
clouds of heaven."

When En sweden Markuspassion was first performed in 2004, it was a welcome addition to the passion repertoire. The limited crew and the idea of ​​a female evangelist was new and desirable.
In the 2020 version of A Swedish Markuspassion, the composer has made the following changes:
  • The efforts of the choirs are even more effective.
  • The degree of difficulty is lower - without the work losing its power and expression.
  • The music is more idiomatic for a better flow for choir and soloists.
  • Clearer instructions for the conductor.
  • Smoother transitions between the different batches.
  • A certain re-instrumentation, among other things, the organ with pedal has been removed.
  • No new music has been added.
A Swedish St. Mark's Passion still speaks to us in our own language, through our own folk musical tradition and other expressions through a story that is immortal.
The older edition is not compatible with the 2020 version of A Swedish St. Mark's Passion.