Träd in i dansen
Träd in i dansen

Träd in i dansen

En svensk folkdansmässa

Mass in folk tone for choir, congregation, melodic instruments, chordal instruments and double bass.

Harling, Per/Bågenfelt, Susanne

SATB + chord instrument ad lib, C- and B-instr ad lib, double bass

Step into the dance - Parish agenda 50 copies

668 kr

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Enter the dance - Score / Choir score

251 kr

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Step into the dance - Parish agenda 100 copies

1 249 kr

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Enter the dance - Voices

1 321 kr

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Mass in folk tone for choir, congregation, melodic instruments, chordal instruments and double bass. The fair can also be easily used with a limited number of instruments or singers.
Parish agenda is available - contact the publisher for more information.