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Jag är kärlek
Skrivet för och av ungdomar tillsammans med upphovspersonerna.
Sandén, Sofia
SSA+vl, kb, piano/orgel
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Trösten läker stilla
Eriksson, Nadja
44 kr
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Evening prayers
Set to music by Karin Boye's well-known poem.
Klockar, Anna-Karin
SATB + piano/organ ad lib
37 kr
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I din närhet vilar jag
Nordin, Marcus
44 kr
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Fri som tanken
Klasson, Börje
44 kr
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Seven ballads about trust – in a wounded reality
Bergman, Marie
SAB + piano
119 kr
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A sky wide open
Eriksson, Nadja
SAB + piano
29 kr
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Always with you
Clint, Victoria
solo, SATB + piano
43 kr
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Eleven songs that follow the beads of the Savior's wreath.
Eriksson, Nadja
76 kr
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Evening hymn
Fine-tuned evening hymn by a well-known Swedish hymn singer.
Magnell, Ola
SAB a cappella
37 kr
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Everything is GRACE
Ivarsson, David
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In your hands
Wallin, Anette/Toft, Pers Nils
SATB + flute, viola, cello, piano
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This is the place. This is the time.
A larger work for choir and ensemble about love and sadness, joy and anger, longing and security with texts by Kerstin Weman Thornell.
Hart, Daniel
SATB, children's and youth choir, reciter + pi, vcl, kb, slv
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When the leaves dance
Three children's choir songs by Nadja Eriksson and Åsa Hagberg with their unique feeling for children and singing.
Eriksson, Nadja
SA + piano
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The Whispering Spirit
Berg, Charlotte
29 kr
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Such as orbs of light
Kjellberg, Karin
SATB + piano
41 kr
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Still I lean my soul
Högstrand, Karin
30 kr
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Close to you
Edwardsson, Noah
32 kr
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Much bigger than you think
Eriksson, Nadja
SATB + piano
34 kr
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Maria pro nobis
Cederberg-Rydén, Maria
SA + piano/organ
24 kr
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Your crown of thorns
Eriksson, Nadja
26 kr
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The healing power of love
Bäckström, Birgitta
32 kr
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Rosary prayers
Light songs in the Taizé spirit for choir and congregation.
Forsblad, Hanna
choir, congregation + instr ad lib
76 kr
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You speak in my silence
Fine-tuned singing for unison SA, SAB or unison choir, cello and piano.
Ekström-Koij, Mattias
unison/SA/SAB + cello, piano
43 kr